Basement water damage is the one thing most Florida home owners don't want to see when they come home from work. It is disheartening to see that a burst pipe in your basement or a flash flood occurred, that has your basement looking more like a swimming pool than a storage room. If you come home and find your basement flooded, the first thing you want to do is shut off your electricity, water and gas at the source. Do not try to do this however, if you can to stand in water to do so.

Besides the water damage to your home and possessions, a flooded basement is a health hazard. Don't hesitate to call the professionals at Flood Pros USA the damage for you. The best part is that they will get to work right away to prevent further damage to your home.

Having a specialist company who will come right out to your Marietta home is vital if you want to prevent structural damage. Water damage is bad enough, but stagnant water can weaken support beams and stairs if left sitting for too long.

Water damage can also cause mold, which is hazardous to your health. It is always best to have professionals clean up the water and dry your basement thoroughly so you can be assured your basement will be back to the way it was before it flooded. If you have children who routinely play in your basement, it is vital you have your basement professionally dried. Mold can bring on asthma attacks in children along with a host of other health problems.

Remember, if you come home and find basement water damage in your Marietta, Georgia home, don't panic. See if you can locate the source of the problem and then lock the basement door so children and pets cannot accidentally get into the flooded basement and then go to a neighbor's house and call Flood Pros USA for help.