Mold in the home is the last thing any homeowner wants to find. Mold can not only cause structural issues in your home but health issues as well. 

Sometimes when mold is present it's obvious. Other times,  mold can go unnoticed behind your home's walls for an extended period of time. In most cases, mold will remain hidden until it's spread and become a major problem.

How will you spot mold in your home before it spreads? 

In the guide below, you'll discover several signs of mold in the home to be on the lookout for. Continue reading to learn more!

1. Strange Odors in Your Home

As mold grows and spreads inside your home, it can begin to give off a foul odor. If you walk into your home or a single room in your home and smell a strange musty odor,  mold might be hiding nearby.

It's not uncommon for homeowners to become immune to strange smells in their homes. Because of this, you might want to spend a day outside of your home. After a few hours away, come home and determine if there's a foul odor.

2. Lookout for Signs of Water Damage 

Mold flourishes in moist/damp and dark areas in the home. If you notice signs of water damage or leaks in your home, then you need to be cautious about possible mold growth.

Inspect the area affected by the leak. Look for mold and smell for musty odors. Because mold loves to grow in dark environments, be sure to check under sinks, behind washer machines, behind other large appliances, and other hidden areas. 

If your home has suffered from water damage recently, then consider having mold inspection and testing done.

3. Allergy and Asthma Symptoms 

Unfortunately, mold in the home can cause allergy and asthma symptoms to flair up. 

Your home should be your safe place away from all the pollutants in the outside world. When you come home, you shouldn't feel as if you're allergic to your own home. 

When at home, pay one attention to your allergies. Are they worse when at home or when you wake up in the morning? 

If you believe your home is making you sick, be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor and with your professional mold inspection service.

4. Visual Signs of Mold 

The last sure sign that there's a mold problem in your home is visual signs of mold. If you see mold growing, then you know there's mold.

What does mold look like?

Mold isn't only black or dark brown. Mold can actually be pink, orange, white, and other colors as well. If you notice any unusual spots growing in your home, then there's a good chance it could be mold, and should have it inspected immediately.

Spot Mold in Your Home in Its Early Stages 

The earlier you spot mold in your home, the sooner you can prevent it from spreading. Keep these signs of mold in mind if you suspect mold might be growing in your home.

If any of these signs are true for your situation, then make the call to a mold removal or mold remediation service today. 

Click here to request a free estimate from your restoration experts to free your home from mold.